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8 Mental Strength Principles For Finding Your Life Purpose

I recently conducted another Warriors Quest, and again my client experienced tremendous results!

The Warriors Quest is a 2 ½ day intensive where I work with one person in a private setting to help find, confirm or at least gain clarity on their life’s purpose, vision and mission.

Every single person who has participated in The Warriors Quest has left feeling that their life now has power, purpose and passion.

There is no right way to find your path in life and The Warriors Quest is the way that I have found to be the most effective.

Today I’m going to go over some other ways to help you find your path in life.

Have you ever seen the Great Redwood forests in Northern California? Or at least seen pictures of them?

Being fortunate to live here in Northern California they are in my “backyard” and I have the opportunity to visit them often.  These trees are the tallest and oldest living “creatures” on our planet!

Some are taller than 350 feet, and over 2,000 years old.

 Every one of those huge and breathtaking trees started out as a small tiny seed.  This seed is so small you can literally hold in the palm of your hand. Yet in that small seed is the entire blueprint for the manifestation and full-self-expression of these amazing living organisms.

Just like these trees, you also have your own unique and magnificent blueprint inside you.

Below are eight mental strength principles for helping you find your path in life…your life’s purpose. These are principles that I and others have used when working with individuals in gaining clarity in their life.

If you can’t join me in a Warrior’s Quest, then I hope these eight principles will help you gain some insight on your life’s purpose and finding your own blueprint of magnificence so that you can live a life of power, purpose and passion with perseverance.

 Principle #1: Understand that you do have a purpose. Each and every living thing has a purpose and each every single person has a purpose. We are born with it. It’s part of our DNA.  Others may have a similar purpose, but yours’ is unique to you and the methods of demonstrating and bringing it into the world are unique to you and you only.

 Principle #2: It’s your job to find it. No one else can do this for you no matter how much you may wish that someone else will tell you what it is.  Yes, others can help you pull your gifts out of you and help you discover your path, but ultimately it is up to you.  When you actively participate in your own vision quest you will attract the resources required to uncover your purpose.

 Principle #3: 80/20 rule.  80% of the population don’t care or don’t want to care about what they have to offer.  20% do care and these 20% create the biggest changes in the world.   You can be part of that change or you can float around like a cork on the ocean.  The major hurdle for most people wanting to find their path is the perceived responsibility.  Once they step on their path and get a glimpse there’s no turning back and this frightens most people.  The warrior embraces his/her path and walks it with courage and understands how they and their gifts can make a meaningful contribution to society.

Principle #4:  Not every “passion” is your purpose.  I’m sure you’ve heard many people in books; videos and seminars tell you to follow your passion, that this is your purpose.  Well I don’t know about you, but I have many passions, I don’t have just one.  And mine are quite diverse.  For a longtime I became extremely frustrated trying to find ways to tie them all together or pick just one to follow.  Then it hit me…we have passions for us and we have one passion that we are to share with the world.  When know the difference…this makes all the difference in your world.

 Principle #5: From a personal success perspective your “customers” will show up after you do. There are groups of people who are looking for what you have to offer….your gifts.  They will not find you until you find you.  You must show up first. You must take a stand, draw a line in that sand and say “This is who I am, this is what I have to offer!” When you make a deceleration to the world, you set in motion powerful forces that conspire in your favor.  You have to be courageous, bold and committed to your path.  When you are, you will attract the individuals that have been searching for you. And this will aid you in achieving your personal success.

 Principle #6: You will be happy, successful and satisfied with your life to the extent you embrace your authentic purpose and inner blueprint – AND – you will be unhappy, unfulfilled, dissatisfied and frustrated to the extent you do not. In fact, I would go so far as to say that we must create and manifest our life purpose or we will die…at least on the inside. Individuals that are resisting their life purpose will end up making themselves sick; they are literally “killing themselves” because they are not living on purpose and expressing and channeling their Life Force in the way that is unique to them.

There an ancient book well over 2,000 years old that says “a people without a vision will perish.”   Your vision (purpose) is part of you and when you deny it you deny and reject a part of you.  This is the part that makes you feel alive with power, passion and purpose.

 Principle #7: It’s not your job to question your purpose; it’s your job to engage and live it. Given the reality in which you find yourself when you discover your authentic purpose, it may seem ridiculous, unimportant, impossible, or perhaps “not for you.” But this is a destiny pre-chosen for you, most likely even by you, for your life, and it cannot be changed. And as the Borg say “resistance is futile”.

Resisting your calling is like the Great Redwood saying “No, no, no, I want to be a tomato!” This is ludicrous! The sooner you discover and embrace your purpose, the happier you’ll be. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead…charge like a rhino!

 Principle #8: You must nurture your purpose. Your purpose will ebb and flow throughout the course of your life. At times it will be strong, at others weak, and even at times impossible to distinguish. But through it all is YOU, and your job is to continually nurture your purpose. Keep fanning the flames and know that it is your job to build the bridge from the invisible to the visible, to make your vision a reality in the here and now.

That is the game of life, to find your purpose, create your vision and embody your mission.

TRY THIS: Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and ask yourself, your deepest, your “Truest Self “Am I really living my authentic life purpose?” And listen to what comes up.

Write down what comes up. Most of us know if we’re truly living our higher purpose.  If you get confirmation that you are on the right path…congratulations, your one of the 20%, now go out there and charge!

If you are not on the right path, and believe me you know it…you feel it deep inside, like something’s missing.  This something is often equated with an unsociable hunger that never stops.

Is this feels like you,  spend a few moments exploring what your life purpose is – and if you say “I don’t know” you can say to yourself “Well, if I DID know, what would I say it is?” The truth is, we ALL know what we are here to do – the blueprint is inside – the challenge is having the COURAGE to ADMIT it and EMBRACE it!

It might help you to know it’s not a black and white thing – not an all-or-nothing proposition. Just start right where you are. I recommend to my clients they embrace their life purpose one step at a time, and just do the next, perhaps very small thing, that will begin moving their life in that direction.

Ultimately, it’s the series of these steps taken in that authentic direction that adds up to the manifestation and realization of your own unique internal blueprint.  This is what transpires during The Warriors Quest and the year that follows.

I’m there as guide every step of the way.

Be daring, be unique, be courageous….go out there and find your path and live a life of power, purpose and passion!

You can find out more about The Warriors Quest today by going HERE.

You are your biggest supporter.

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