7 More Great Persoanl Development Blogs
I love process of personal development and respect any and all that our on the journey of developing their own personal to enhance their personal performance.
I just read a post from Steven Aitchison on his blog “Change Your Thoughts – Change Your life” entitled “50 of the best personal development blogs”
Steven does a fantastic job of listing some of the VERY best personal development blogs out there.
In addition to Steven’s I like to add 7 more personal development blogs that I have on my iGoogle homepage. I also have them marked in my RSS feed on Flock ( a very cool browse for social networking). This way I access to the very best info to start my day.
I hope you’ll find my list a good addition to Steven’s …here ya go:
Darren Hardy
Publisher of Success Magazine. Always great and useful information
Philosopher Notes (Brian Johnson)
Inspiring and motivational
Jon Gordon
Positive strategies to fuel your life and career
Larry Winget
Doesn’t post too often, but when he does…look out!
Get an e-mail or RSS of the best personal development articles
Seth Godin
Simply inspiring
Robin Sharma
Great author, leader and motivator.
If you have others that you like, please share them!
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