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Emotional Strength



6 Tips For Dealing With Change

We are people of routine!  change

Many of us can get out of bed with our eyes closed and press the buzzer on the alarm, switch on the light and throw the covers back…all without opening our eyes. We as individuals have established our lives to be steady and also predictable.

There is a sense of pride in knowing that the details our lives are predictable as well as effortlessly taken care of. Knowing this makes us feel safe, light, and also in control. If our personal lives are interrupted in any way, we are thrown into a psychological twist. If there is anything at all that intimidates us, it is change, especially unpredictable change.

Change often creates confusion and it calls for us to experience concern on a less superficial level. As we cope with change, it will usually cause us to become anxiousness, aggressive and irritable. Funny thing…in order to conquer our emotions around change we need to face change head on.

Being Emotional About Change Can Be Awkward To The Soul


Because, when this occurs, we are forced to deal with the fear of loss, and a new method of living our lives.

The stress and anxiety around life’s changes aren’t necessarily around anything unfavorable. It might be a brand-new profession, relationship, newborn, or the completion of a large venture. It is not the value of the change that creates the emotions, it the change itself which drives us crazy.

To some people, change is invigorating. It’s an indication that something exciting and wonderful is about to happen.

So, how is it that some people can see change as exciting, while others think it’s the end of their world?

What do these people, who embrace change, have that the others don’t?

Mental strength!

[color-box]Free ebook, “Why Change is Hard…and What to do About It! Click HERE to get your copy[/color-box]

Before I get into this a bit more I’d like you to consider 5 significant area in your life where change can create some issues:

  • Your Job
  • Your Relationships
  • Your Family
  • Your Health
  • Your Finances

Of course, I could list many more, but I think we can agree that these are the biggies. And I’m sure you have experienced a change in AT LEAST one of these events already.

Let’s face it, we were never the option to take a class “Change 101” in school, so we actually were never given the correct tools to deal with the change on any significant level.

To see what tools work, let’s look at why others adapt while others can not. There is no secret formula. The one characteristic we can discover in those that have actually grown in the face of change is how they respond to the circumstance.

To use an NLP term, they re-frame the experience to see it as positive or beneficial in some way. It’s as if they say to themselves,” Something wonderful is about to happen” and then, and here’s the trick, they look for it!

I agree that to re-frame an event that involves a loss or great deal of pain can be tough. The discomfort of the situation and the emotions that come with actually prevent us from seeing the “good”, at least right away.   And when you honor those painful emotions, express them, you’ll soon be able the see forward of the event and then find the “good.”

For example, take Peyton Manning, the championship Super Bowl quarterback who’s had an outstanding football career which dates back to when he was at the University of Knoxville. He was sent to the Indiana Colts, gained a Super Bowl, and had many product endorsement agreements than one could imagine.

And yet, one awkward hit changed his football career. He was driven to manage the instability of his body, the loss of football games during the football season, and the gossip of his best football playing days being behind him.

After experiencing this, he was traded for healthier quarterback in the course of the off-period. Dealt a psychological hit, he stood there with the Indiana Colt’s logo design as a background to reveal he was leaving. With tears in his eyes, he graciously said thank you for their help while playing with the Colts.

This amazing athlete was driven to shift and start a new journey. He could have ignored or simply retired, but right now, he is looking forward to starting as quarterback for the Denver Broncos and continuing with his stellar athletic career. Peyton Manning reframed, altered and found the “good” in the situation, and we can do the same thing.

So, after you have expressed the emotions and feelings around a change, ask yourself, “How can I find the positive in this?  You might not get an answer right away, or you might get the ego answer of “There is NOTHING good about this.” But keep asking and be quite and listen…your soul will speak to you.

Other questions to consider are:

  • How can I re-frame this and appreciate the good things in this scenario?
  • Is exactly what I’m doing helping me in the greatest way?
  • What does this teach me if I just let go?
  • Just what can I do to take leverage this to my highest good?

Like anything else, it takes a certain ability to navigate instability in your life. It is a great benefit to you when you can master this and make it benefit you.

By applying the actions below you can easily move in and through change and live a life of power, purpose and passion!

Mental Strength Change Checklist

  1. Let yourself feel and express the emotions you are experiencing.
  2. Build community, share with someone about the event.
  3. Re-frame life’s changes and use it as a positive for your highest good.
  4. Remember how you successfully moved beyond change in the past, your life’s wisdom can assist you.
  5. Help someone else with their change challenge (you’ll be amazed how quickly you forget about your situation when helping someone else).
  6. Embrace, adapt, readjust, and also allow the lessons to come ahead.

Many individuals question exactly what a life coach is as well as how a life coach may be helpful. As a life coach I am committed to helping you achieve your personal goals by supporting you and delivering beneficial exercises and tools that you need to live a full, rich and abundant life!

To find out more about how coaching can help you, request an Introductory Consultation today.

You are your biggest supporter.

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