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Mental Strength



5 Mental Strength Questions To Help Improve Your Fitness

"Krav maga" lesson in paratroopers s...
Image via Wikipedia

I’ll tell you up front this post is going to distribute some of the hard core fitness people out there…heck I’m one of them.

But as a coach it’s my responsibility to help people achieve their goals within the make-up of who they are…I can’t turn them into someone they’re not.

Sure I can push them to grow into their potential…and oh boy do I!  But to try to create an individual that is not “authentic” would not serve anyone.

So, with all that in mind….

With the summer fast approaching many will be scampering around trying to lose bodyfat to look good in their swimsuits.  They’ll do the same thing they did last year, and the year before that. Sure the process may have a different name but the results will still be the same.  

I’m not going to get into details of the statistics about how we are “One Nation Overweight,” but I will say that it’s shocking that less then 20% of the North Americans exercise 3 times or more per week.

So, why do so many people “fail” at keeping their fitness resolve?

As shocking as this may seem a one-size-fits-all approach to fitness simply does not work!  The typical routine of lifting weights 1-2 times a week and perform hours of cardio simply an ineffective recipe to be dished out to everyone. 


Because this recipe excludes the individuals’ personality and their social behavioral makeup.


What the heck does social behavior have to do with getting fit? 


And before I continue I’d like to make a change in terms from exercise to “active living.”  Using this term will allow for a more complete discussion about a person’s fitness goals.  For example, if it was recommended that an overweight introvert individual take up kickboxing classes that person would be doomed for failure, it’s just not them.

To help in determining the correct “active living” programs for you these 5 mental strength questions need to be addressed:

  1. Are you a social person or a lone wolf? (if you’re a social person staying at home to exercise will lead to failure)
  2. Do you like adventure or do you play it safe? (if you like to play it safe then a suggestion of taking a Krav Maga will be out of the question)
  3. Are you a leader (or want to be) or are you comfortable following? (if you want to be a leader spending hours on the treadmill isn’t going to help)
  4. Are you a morning or evening person? (if you’re a evening person taking a 5 AM step class will never happen)
  5. What’s more important my work, my life (fitness) or my family? (This is a tough one, but think about this…if family comes before your health, you’ll be more prone to skipping a workout and drive the children to a program…instead of asking for help)

I know these questions may appear to have nothing to do with fitness.  But as these questions are contemplated, with the help of a certified fitness coach or life coach, you will begin to understand the ramifications, not just on your physical appearance but, your life in totality. 

After this last paragraph you’re probably asking, “A fitness/life coach?  Why do I need a fitness coach I have personal trainer.” First, congratulations on having a trainer, the vast majority of people that have one experience more fitness “success.”

A personal trainer is important in your fitness progress.  A trainer knows the biomechanics of movements, the muscle structure so that specific exercises can be prescribed.  But a trainer is not schooled in getting to the “why.”  They can’t adequately   match you with an active life program that fits your personality.  Also a trainer can’t provide the support when you’re finished with your daily fitness routine.  That’s were a fitness coach or even a life coach comes in.  If you are committed to your health and life I strongly recommend looking hiring both a trainer and a coach.

Take a good long look at the above questions and reflect on them an how the answers can help improve your personal performance, your fitness or athletic performance and your overall feeling of wellbeing. 

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